FHTA Members Notice – Courtesy Vehicle Licensing


11 February 2020 – Members are advised of the update below following FHTA’s meetings and on-going discussions with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and our previous advice here of 11 January 2020.

1. Courtesy vans used for guest and staff pick up and drop off – regardless of the number of seats – must be taken to LTA to apply for a COMMERCIAL LICENSE CLASS.

2. LTA will provide a 1 year EXEMPTION PERMIT for the Commercial License Class;

  • this exemption will allow Fiji Airports Ltd (FAL) to provide access to their bus bays per their usual requirements (application of the “”Blue Stickers””)
  • the exemption timeframe is to allow LTA to amend the current legislation to include tourism specific requirements, not currently covered that will also address tourism’s preferred seating capacity for courtesy vehicles based on prudent operational and economic requirements.
  • FHTA will continue to consult with LTA on the legislative amendments to ensure our business processes are better understood

3. Owners (hotels/resorts/tourism businesses) must provide proof of ownership of the vehicle(s) when applying for the Commercial License Class.

  • if the vehicle has a Private License – this must be changed to a Commercial License
  • if the vehicle ownership is under a person’s name – confirm if this person owns that tourism business
  • where the business registration differs from the trading name (T/A), provide business ownership details
  • if the hotel/resort/tourism business is outsourcing guest or staff transfers to someone else – the owners of that transport business/vehicle must have a PSV license class

4. Please use the attached copy of the LTA confirmation on Hotel Courtesy Van Licensing to take to your nearest LTA office for the above

  • if your vehicle has not been deemed non-compliant yet and you are not sure, please contact the LTA Standards & Engineering Team sne@lta.com.fj to avoid your vehicle being taken off the road
  • do let the FHTA Secretariat know if you are unable to get a response or your response is not in accordance with the above details or the attached letter HERE.