Rental property tax

Rental property tax

Fiji Times Wednesday 18 October 2017  THE Fiji Revenue & Customs Service with the support of government continues to be committed to its role in ensuring that every individual, businesses, companies and other non-individual groups carry out their tax obligations diligently as required under the tax laws.

As we continue to address tax and customs issues on a weekly basis, it is important to understand that the ultimate goal for the Fiji Revenue & Customs Service is to maximise voluntary compliance and to ensure that we maintain a platform of continuous partnership. Hence we value and depend on our partnership with our stakeholders, partners and the general public.

As such “voluntary compliance” is not only a subject matter for non-compliant individuals and businesses but it is a behavior that requires absolute commitment, vigilance and integrity. Voluntary compliance is all about voluntary disclosure, timely reporting, timely payments, ensuring a high level of data integrity, accuracy of information, proper record keeping and completeness.

In this week’s article we look at the tax obligations of an individual who receives income from rent of property.  Read more…