FHTA News Updates on Facebook


Did you know that you could receive all FHTA news updates or get notifications when we post something new on our website straight away, all from your Facebook account news feed?

Well now, there isn’t a setting to receive notifications every time FHTA posts news, but Facebook account holders do have an option to see updates first from FHTA at the top of their Facebook news feed.

“How?” you ask?

Well it is just a few simple steps;

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Navigate to the FHTA Page on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/FHTAFiji/
  3. “Like” the Page first if you have not already done so
  4. Hover over or click the drop-down arrow on the “Following” button
  5. When the drop down menu appears, select “See First” and you’re done

Quick and simple, right? This is the best and quickest way for you to see timely news updates from us apart from the usual email blasts.

The FHTA Secretariat endeavors to continue to improve member services and this is just one small step towards that objective.