KPMG Flash report – 19th August 2016. This flash report summarises the enactment of changes to the Foreign Investment Act following the 2016/2017 National Budget announcement.
The amendment Act was passed by Parliament on 8 July 2016 and gazetted on 12 July 2016. These amendments will come into effect on a date appointed by the Minister by notice in the gazette.
Members are advised that this is being sent out by the Secretariat for members information – members should consult their relevant professional advisors before making any commercial decisions.
Changes to the Foreign Investment Act following the 2016/2017 National Budget announcement
Download pdf (249kb) here: flashreportissue-13-2016-2016_2017foreigninvestmentactamendments

This flash report is issued in summary form exclusively for the information of clients and staff of KPMG and should not be used or relied upon as a substitute for detailed advice or as a basis for formulating business decisions.