Uncertain travelers to receive at least a dose of vaccine

Uncertain travelers to receive at least a dose of vaccine

The Fiji Times – 11 November 2019

TRAVELERS who are uncertain about their measles vaccination status should receive at least one dose of a measles-containing vaccine at least 15 days prior to travel.

This is the advice from the World Health Organization in light of the declaration of a measles outbreak in the Serua/Namosi subdivision by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services on Thursday.

The international health body stated this would not only provide the best protection to the individual, but also help to stop the spread of the virus to other communities, including other Pacific Islands.

WHO said Government’s initiative to provide a “zero dose” of the Measles Rubella (MR) vaccination to infants aged six to 11 months free of charge, and to people travelling to the areas currently experiencing cases in Fiji and outbreak affected areas abroad was in line with their recommendation that a dose of a measles-containing vaccine was given during an outbreak, or when someone was travelling to a place currently experiencing an outbreak.

WHO recommends that parents follow the ministry’s advice and ensure they and their children were vaccinated against measles according to the Fiji’s national vaccination schedule.

WHO said it was everyone’s responsibility to help stop the spread of measles in the country by ensuring their children were up to date with their vaccinations, making sure they themselves were vaccinated.

FACT FILE: Symptoms

The symptoms of measles are: Fever and a rash with any of the following: runny nose, sneezing, cough, red/watery eyes, white spots inside the mouth. The rash starts after the other symptoms and spreads all over the body. Treatment There is no specific treatment for measles, as it is your body’s immune system that fights off the disease. Most people recover from a measles infection in 8-10 days with rest, and ensuring that they are eating and drinking to avoid dehydration.