Turtle Conservation at Treasure Island Resort

Turtle Conservation at Treasure Island Resort

Fiji Sun, Saturday 27 Jan – Treasure Island Resort and Hawksbill Turtles have become inseparable, with their relationship spanning 40 years. The renowned tourist destination is one of the very few resorts in Fiji that have the necessary permits from the Department of Fisheries to keep turtles for conservation purposes.

Turtle Island Resort’s newly appointed general manager Craig Powell and Executive Assistant Manager Sophie Clay are excited at the success of the programme, “…which will have a rippling effect with other resorts in the Mamanuca Group, which were now following suit.” A full-time environmental officer and dedicated environmental team have been employed to run our Hawksbill Turtle Conservation Programme, among other projects. The resort has released hundreds of turtles back into the wild each year and has incorporated their guests into the programme. Read in Fiji Sun
