TRAINING: Employer Supported Childcare and Workplace Responses to Domestic and Sexual Violence

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, with support of the Australian Government, and in collaboration with the Fiji Human Resources Institute (FHRI) is launching a Peer Learning Series to help companies to Enable a Safe, Family Friendly and Productive Workplace.
The launch of this Learning Series follows publication of two IFC reports earlier this year:

The learning series will comprise of a two stream face-to-face series of workshops from November 2019 – June 2020 to be delivered both in Suva and the Western Division. The two streams will be the i. Business Case for Employer Supported Childcare and the ii. Business Case for Workplace Responses to Domestic and Sexual Violence. ( The sessions will provide participating companies with practical tools and resources to help them implement family friendly and/or domestic and sexual violence workplace solutions.

IFC and the Fiji Human Resources Institute (FHRI) are calling for Expressions of Interest from companies to participate in this Peer Learning Series. Companies have the option to participate in one or both learning streams at either locations or both, whichever would suit your employees attendance.

To help facilitate this process, please take this short survey on your company’s potential interest to participate.

Double click on link below to access the survey:

The Survey will close on Monday 21 October 2019. Please note your prompt completion of the Survey would help us determine estimated number of participating companies for logistical arrangements required for the Kick-off workshop scheduled for 5th November, Western Division and 6th November for Suva, Central.

For further enquiries please contact IFC’s Lilika Fusimalohi on email or FHRI’s Suka Salusalu on email