Private sector-led growth is the key

Private sector-led growth is the key

The Fiji Times, 19 April – A WORLD Bank report recommends that restoring fiscal space and enabling private sector-led growth are key to maintaining Fiji’s inclusive growth.

The East Asia and Pacific Economic Update released this month said Fiji’s economic growth slowed to 2 per cent last year from output losses from Tropical Cyclone Winston and inflation more than doubled, also reflecting the cyclone-related supply shocks.

However the report said growth was expected to strengthen this year as construction activities picked up pace to remain above historical trend in the medium term.

It said gross domestic product growth slowed to 2 per cent in 2016 from 5.3 and 3.6 per cent in 2014 and 2015, respectively, mainly because of output losses in agriculture — a source of livelihood for poor households — from TC Winston. read more…
