Separate ministry to deal with flooding

Separate ministry to deal with flooding

Fiji Times, Monday Feb 5 – Recent and majority of dredging works have taken place in Rewa and Sigatoka, signalling government effort at improving infrastructure, including outside of the bigger cities and towns.

The newly formed Ministry of Waterways is looking into ways to mitigate localised flooding. T

The AG assured villagers of Rabulu in Tavua that the ministry would also be looking at smaller waterways and creeks running across roads after they expressed concerns about flooding along the Kings Rd in times of heavy rain.

The Minister of Waterways is Dr. Mahendra Reddy , was previously Minister for Education, National Heritage, Culture and Arts. He acquired his Master of Science Degree and PhD in Agriculture and Resource Economics on a Fulbright Scholarship at the University of Hawaii, and taught Economics at the University of the South Pacific between 1998 – 2008.  In July 2014, he resigned as Commerce Commission director and from the Reserve Bank of Fiji board chairman to join the FijiFirst party to contest in the elections.


(Generic Alprazolam)