Fund voluntary scheme

Fund voluntary scheme

Fiji Times Saturday 17 June 2017  IN our article titled ‘Membership and Member Accounts” (The Fiji Times, 25/03/2017), we explained the two types of memberships at the Fiji National Provident Fund. These are the compulsory and voluntary membership.

This week, we will delve more into voluntary membership, which is also known as the voluntary scheme.

Whilst FNPF is a household name, our involvement with the fund only kicks in when we start working and/or when our employers asks us to fill the employee registration form. Even then, many of us are oblivious to the underlying objective of Fund, which is to ensure that we save enough for a meaningful retirement.

One of the Board’s core functions is to create awareness to ensure that our members (and the general public) are equipped with the necessary information to make informed financial decisions about their retirement.

On the same note, we urge all of you to take ownership of your FNPF accounts — know your balance, your eligibilities and related benefits; and to start planning for your retirement. The earlier you plan, the more you can save.  Read more…