Consular Notification to International Citizens – Tropical Cyclone Gita February 2018

Australian citizens in Fiji are encouraged to register their travel at, follow our twitter feed @AusHCFJ, monitor local weather services and media, and follow the advice of local authorities. The Australian High Commission (AHC) is located at 37 Princess Road, Tamavua, Suva, Fiji and our opening hours are 08:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. If you are an Australian citizen and you require urgent consular assistance, contact the AHC on +679 338 2211. In an emergency you should: Follow the instructions of hotel management or local authorities and update your family and friends in Australia of your whereabouts and welfare.

New Zealand Citizens in Fiji are encouraged to register their travel and details at New Zealand citizens who require urgent consular assistance can contact the New Zealand High Commission in Suva on +679 33 11 422 / or after office hours on the consular duty phone +679 779 1956. In an emergency you should listen to the instructions from hotel management and local authorities and keep in touch with your family and friends in New Zealand.

British citizens in Fiji are encouraged to monitor travel advice alerts off the link: or on twitter: @ukinfiji. British nationals who need consular assistance should call +6793229100. You should protect your travel and identity documents against loss or damage. Inform your family and friends of your whereabouts and keep in close contact with your tour operator, hotel staff and local officials for information about flooding including possible evacuation and shelter information. We urge you to monitor the latest weather reports closely and follow the advice of local authorities.

US citizens in Fiji are to avoid travel to low-lying areas until the storms have dissipated and flood waters have receded. Monitor the local news for updates. Seek secure shelter. Prepare for severe weather by ensuring an adequate supply of bottled water, non-perishable food items, medications, and vital documents. Visit the Fiji Meteorological Service, Na Draki, or the Central Pacific Hurricane Center for updated storm tracking information. For assistance, contact the US Embassy Suva, +679 331 4466 within business hours or +679 7728049 after business hours. The contact number for the State Department – Consular affairs is 888 407 4747 or 202 501 4444.

French nationals in Fiji are encouraged to register their travel at and check travel advice on The French Embassy is located at PACIFIC HOUSE, LEVEL 2 , BUTT street, Suva, Fiji, is open 08:00am – 17:00 from Monday to Thursday and from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Friday. If you are a French citizen and you require urgent consular assistance contact the French Embassy on +679 992 1752. The Honorary Consul of France in Nadi can be reached on +679 707 8050.

Les ressortissants français sont encouragés à enregistrer leur voyage sur la page ARIANE et à vérifier la page “conseils aux voyageurs Le consulat de France à Sydney est désormais compétent pour toutes les démarches administratives concernant les français résidant à Fidji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga et Tuvalu. L’ambassade de France est située à PACIFIC HOUSE , NIVEAU 2, BUTT Street, Suva, Fiji. Les heures d’ouverture sont du Lundi au Jeudi de 8h à 17h00 et le Vendredi de 8h à 12h. ( Le numéro à appeler en cas d’urgence est le +6799921752. La Consule honoraire à Nadi, Mme Claire-Diane GIRALDEAU, peut être jointe au +679 707 8050.