Hi all,
Sorry to raise the unpleasant topic of coral bleaching, but can you let me know whether or not you are seeing bleaching corals in your dive area at the moment?
Temperature data suggests that we have had very hot water for over 2 months now, which is the point where we may start to see some corals die. The temperature maps suggest that this is most likely to be happening in the eastern areas, but anywhere may be affected to some degree, as the south was last year.
Any reports would be very helpful (and a couple of typical photos if you can manage them) whether you are seeing bleaching or not.
For comparison, here is an example of an area in Savusavu Bay – this is what I’d call 75% bleaching. These corals are NOT DEAD, they could still recover if all this rain brings water temperatures down, so don’t despair – but we’d like to know, please. (https://www.keithmcquirter.com) (https://www.hotelogix.com/)
Please pass this along to your contacts.
Thanks and good luck!

We’ve been at NOAA bleaching alert level 1 since the start of January and level 2 all February, higher than we saw last year.
You can find this regularly updated graph HERE amongst other countries in our region

This heat map shows that the warmer areas are in the east
You can find this regularly updated map at https://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/product/vs/map.php (You have to zoom in to Fiji)

Helen Sykes
marine ecology consulting
Fiji’s leading company for Coastal & Marine Ecology Assessments
Fiji Coordinator -GCRMN and Reef Check
PO Box 2558, Govt Buildings
Suva, Fiji Islands
tel: +679-336-3625
e: helen@marineecologyfiji.com
web: http://www.marineecologyfiji.com/