Buzzing with Excitement: InterContinental Fiji’s Bee-Hive Tour & Tea

Buzzing with Excitement: InterContinental Fiji’s Bee-Hive Tour & Tea

20th May 2024 (Natadola, Fiji): In celebration of World Bee Day, InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa proudly announces the launch of a “Bee-Happy Experience,” an immersive beehive tour and afternoon tea that invites guests to connect with nature and explore the crucial role of bees in our ecosystem.

Get up close and personal with fascinating honeybees through the two-hour immersive bee experience led by the resort’s beekeeper Simione Neirube. Whether opting for a private session or a mixed group experience, guests can explore our behives, suited up in full protective gear to gain a bee’s-eye perspective. In this weekly activity, guests will interact with bees, handle frames, spot the queen, and check honey and pollen stores.

“We are thrilled to introduce this incredible experience that not only celebrate the wonders of bees but also emphasize our commitment to sustainability and the planet. Our guests can now immerse in our on-site honeybee project through a variety of engaging and interactive offerings,” bee-lieves Lachlan Walker, Portfolio General Manager – IHG Hotels & Resorts, FNPF Owned Hotels. “Our new beehive tour experience concludes with a specially curated honey high tea by Executive Pastry Chef Indrashis Saha, featuring delicious honey creations.”

In addition to the beehive tour, guests can indulge in several honey-themed experiences across the resort during their stay.

Enjoy the sweet taste of our home-grown honey at Navo Signature Restaurant and Club InterContinental Lounge during breakfast. Fresh from our beehives, this raw honeycomb is displayed in frames, offering a pure and delightful treat straight from the source.

For a truly rejuvenating experience, guests can also enjoy the Natadola Bay Honey Retreat at the award-winning Spa InterContinental. This includes a revitalizing sugar scrub, a nourishing yoghurt honey wrap, and a rejuvenating facial. The journey begins with a thorough cleansing, followed by an organic antioxidant mask and a soothing massage for total relaxation and rejuvenation.

Guests can celebrate World Bee Day with us on 20th May 2024 by enjoying our honey-inspired High Tea at Club InterContinental, where the beloved afternoon high tea is reimagined with a focus on local ingredients and sustainability. Guests can enjoy savoury and sweet creations by Executive Pastry Chef Indrashis Saha, sweetened with locally grown, pure, raw honey. This special high tea is available exclusively for Club InterContinental guests.

For those looking to enjoy a refreshing drink, our limited-edition honey-inspired cocktails will be available at Kama Lounge & Bar and Toba Bar & Grill from 20th – 26th May 2024. Try the Hive Fashioned, a sophisticated twist on the classic Old Fashioned, or the Pollen, a tropical gin sour that perfectly balances the sweet essence of honey with the vibrant taste of pineapple.

Finally, guests can experience the exquisite pairing of Natadola Bay Honey and fine cheese at Navo Signature Restaurant from 20th – 26th May 2024. Enjoy honey shortbread, honey cremeux, brie, burnt butter and honey ice cream, showcasing the versatility of our locally harvested honey.

Set against the lush backdrop of our gardens, the Natadola beehive project is part of the resort’s Journey to Tomorrow sustainability initiatives. Featuring over 15 beehives, each housing approximately 60,000 bees, this thriving sanctuary supports our commitment to generating fresh, local produce. Every three months, we harvest around 10 litres of pure, raw honey, which guests can enjoy at Club InterContinental Lounge, Spa InterContinental and Navo Restaurant.

World Bee Day, observed on May 20th, highlights the critical role of pollinators like bees in sustaining global ecosystems and food security. These essential creatures pollinate nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species and over 75% of food crops, contributing to biodiversity and agricultural productivity. It serves as a reminder of the urgent need to protect pollinators from human-induced threats, aligning with IHG’s Journey to Tomorrow sustainability initiatives. IHG Hotels & Resorts worldwide are committed to making a positive impact through this 10-year action plan, fostering responsible travel, supporting local communities, and preserving our planet’s beauty and diversity for future generations. We invite you to join us in this journey towards a more sustainable future.

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