$13k from charity walk

Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort

Fiji Times Thursday 13 April 2017  A WALK for charity held last week on Saturday by Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort paid off with the resort successfully raising $14,000.

About 100 people participated in the 9km walk which began from the resort to Sigatoka Special School.

The event was held to raise funds to assist children with special needs.

Most braved the scorching heat passing four checkpoints to reach the finish line and complete the 2017 Outrigger Walk for Kids.

Resort general manager Peter Hopgood said the funds would assist the school with its maintenance projects and with the purchase of a vehicle that would assist the Kids Fiji foundations in reaching out to those residing in the highlands of Navosa.

“Outrigger Fiji is committed to our local community,” he said.  Read more…
