USP Entrpreneurial Fair 2018

USP Entrpreneurial Fair 2018

Fiji Times, Tues 20 Feb – Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism Faiyaz Koya launched the USP Entrepreneurial Fair 2018 at the Laucala Bay campus yesterday.

He said entrepreneurial fair provided a platform for young and future entrepreneurs, where they could not only learn, but also share ideas.

“Universities and higher learning institutions must be at the forefront of small business development and provide the best resources for small business development,” Mr Koya said.

He said this included research facilities, testing of products, leadership courses in small businesses and the best mentoring for successful entrepreneurs.

Mr Koya said Government fully endorsed the creation of micro, small and medium enterprises with special focus on young resourceful Fijians becoming entrepreneurs. “The Entrepreneurial Fair will match aspiring entrepreneurs with successful entrepreneurs, from Fiji and abroad, who will share their journey and experiences, which is an important event that the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism supports,” Mr Koya said. (Alprazolam)

He said Fiji was a very young nation with 69 per cent of people under the age of 40.

“This can be an enormous advantage only if, we give our young people the support and resources they need to grow into productive, educated and ambitious Fijians.”

He said Government wanted young people to think outside the box, and make Fiji a hub of innovation for the Pacific and the world.

Mr Koya said this was why they recently launched the Young Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES), to give life to the innovative and unique ideas of smart and ambitious young people.