Tappoo Lautoka City complex to employ about 500 people

Tappoo Lautoka City complex to employ about 500 people

Fiji Sun Tuesday 14 March 2017 About 500 people will be employed at the Tappoo complex in Lautoka City when it is fully operational.

These were the words of Tappoo executive director, Mahendra Tappoo, after a pooja held yesterday, which was attended by family members and the Minister for Local Government Parveen Bala.

Tappoo’s department store will be open for business at the end of the month.

Of the 27 tenants who will occupy the building, Life Cinema was the first to open its doors with the first movie screening last Friday.

“Building is completed and this is what the people of Lautoka have been waiting for as it is modern building with different outlets built with a modern theme,” Mr Tappoo said.  Read more…
