Support for CROP agencies

Fiji Times Saturday 05 August 2017  SOUTH Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) chief executive officer Christopher Cocker says the theme of the Pacific Community’s (SPC) meetings this week of “innovative partnerships for sustainable development” is very fitting.

Mr Cocker made the comment while congratulating the SPC on its 70th anniversary and acknowledged the work of the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP) in strengthening regionalism through their respective mandates and service delivery.

“SPTO, in its role to facilitate and drive tourism as a main economic driver for the Pacific through sustainable tourism development, cannot do this on our own,” he said.

Mr Cocker had attended the 10th Pacific Community Conference and the 47th Meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA) in Noumea last month.

He expressed SPTO’s support of regional frameworks set by the CROP agencies.  Read more…
