Review of Cooks Trade Test Framework to meet International Standards

Review of Cooks Trade Test Framework to meet International Standards

Fiji Sun, 20th April – The National Training & Productiv­ity Centre’s (NTPC) National Trade Test Department (NTTD) has teamed up with top executive chefs from around the country to ensure that its review of the Cooks Trade Test framework meets interna­tional standards.

The review team is led by Fijian Master Chef and Outrigger on the Lagoon Resort’s Executive Chef, Shailesh Naidu who is an expert in local and international cuisine and joining him is celebrity and international chef, Lance Seeto.

The Occupational Skills Standard Commit­tee (OSS) for the Cooks Trade Test frame­work review comprises of Executive Chefs from various hotels and resorts around the country. Consultations will be with industry representatives, employers and the training divisions.

Chef Shailesh emphasised the urgency to have a review conducted for the growing culi­nary industry in Fiji to be able to incorporate the growing trends and techniques of inter­national culinary when preparing dishes.

“The tourism industry has grown a since the 1990s and today contributes to 40 per cent of the Fijian economy.

This review will incorporate skills sets needed by chefs as they progress in their ca­reer.

The aim is not only to have competent chefs but to be bringing about creativity in this trade,” said Master Chef Shailesh.

“I believe we have the capability, as many of our chefs are leaders at many hotels and resorts the world over.

“We have to ensure that we continue this momentum and always challenge ourselves to improve what we do and how we do it.

“It’s always good to set high standards so we can strive towards being the best”.

Director NTPC, Isimeli Tagicakiverata com­mended the OSS committee and its review process.

“Trade Test review is a key process towards ensuring that our people in this industry have certified skills which are on par with in­dustry standard and also have international acceptance,” says Mr Tagicakiverata.

This review will incorporate skills sets needed by chefs as they progress in their ca­reer.

The review will also aid NTPC in providing specific in-service training so that the local chefs can get up skilled and also gain certi­fication.

“It is important to understand every cus­tomer’s desire and to capture the uniqueness of Fijian cuisine,” highlighted Celebrity Chef Lance Seeto.

“Practical components and thorough under­standing with a developed palate is very vi­tal to understand what the customer’s desire and to capture the uniqueness of Fijian,” says Chef Seeto.

“NTTD’s policy is to establish and review the national standards so that the assess­ments are current and relevant to the indus­try standards,” said Manager Trade Test, Alvin Lal. The review is expected to be com­pleted by May after which a launch is being planned. NTTD conducted reviews of three trades last year. ( NTTD offers a total of 28 trade skills assessments.

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