Prices of medication at pharmacies

Fiji Times Friday 29 September 2017  This week we look at prices of medication on shelves at pharmacies around the country and what makes these prices? Importantly what shoppers should look out for. Medication either for fever or back pain does come in handy don’t you think? For some, any slight sign of absurd fatigue deserves a visit to the doctors and “regular checks” is a golden rule that only the minority follow. In other words “we only visit the doctor when we get sick”.

We can say such about the laxity for modern medication such as pills and its side effects but without an equal alternative healer that provides the resource, supply and instant results — we just can’t leave without modern medication.

Nothing beats a torturing toothache that gets even disbelievers of modern medicine, jetting to the pharmacy in disconsolateness just for a quip of Ibuprofin pain killers for instant relief.

However pricing of medication has been an issue for customers according to the Consumer Council of Fiji.  Read more…
