PNG Tourism report in Parliament

PNG Tourism report in Parliament

The Fiji Times, 03 July 2019 – PORT MORESBY, 03 JULY 2019 (POST COURIER)—Papua New Guinea Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Emil Tammur said the time to talk is over and now is the time to walk the talk about tourism in the country.

Tammur said the Prime Minister has given a big task in taking back PNG in tourism, arts and culture because it’s the arts and culture that makes Papua New Guinea what it is.

He said this when presenting the 2017 PNG Tourism Promotion Authority annual financial report in Parliament.

Tammur said PNGTPA through the support of the government had extended its partnership for the first time to include international agencies and financiers like the World Bank.

“Under the government’s tourism hub concept, we have secured K60 million to roll out programs in Milne Bay and East New Britain. This was the first time the tourism sector had received such a huge external funding to roll out in 2018 onwards.”…read more
