FHTA 4 Feb 2021 – A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association (FHTA) and the I-Taukei Land Trust Board (TLTB) in Suva recently.
Following the global effects of the current pandemic which has crippled our tourism industry, a framework of co-operation has been put into place between TLTB and FHTA members.
One of the main issues for the tourism industry will be the enforcement of land dealings being facilitated through the TLTB and this will ensure only bona fide representatives of TLTB are dealt with directly to protect the interests of the Landowners whose leases are being dealt with.
“We fully appreciate the need to maintain strong mutual collaborations between the tourism industry, the iTaukei Land Trust Board and the landowning communities we work so closely with”, said FHTA Chief Executive Officer, Fantasha Lockington.
“Our relationships with the communities that tourism works within, dates back to over fifty years with bonds that have been strengthened through natural disasters, political unrest, medical emergencies and even now with COVID-19 forcing border closures and economic duress. While ensuring we continue to protect and support those communities that are a critical part of our industry, we must also create sustainable frameworks to ensure a viable industry will be around for the next fifty years”. (https://northeastohiogastro.com)
The TLTB Chief Executive Officer Tevita Kuruvakadua, reinforced the message that their core business of sustainable development and wealth creation also required that they protected the interests of the landowners and stakeholders.
“As custodians for our landowners’ resources, we continue to look for the most innovative and sustainable processes to deliver resilient estate land management services to all our customers”, he said.
Amongst other key points, the MOU also addresses the effects of the pandemic and how the land reassessment process will be managed going forward.