Occupational Health and Safety, and Occupational Health Services Profile in Fiji

Occupational Health and Safety, and Occupational Health Services Profile in Fiji

“Healthy and productive workforce is the key factor behind socioeconomic development of any country. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) includde Early detection and case management of occupational diseases and injuries (as a part of SDG 1: End of Poverty), Scale up coverage with basic and specialized occupational health services (as a part of SDG 3: Health) and promotion of safe and secure working environments for all workers and the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as part of SDG 8: Decent Work).”

Attached is a book titled “Occupational Health and Safety, and Occupational Health Services Profile in Fiji” which was launched by the Ministry of Employment and Industrial Relations.

PDF file: Occupational Health and Safety, and Occupational Health Services Profile in Fiji
