Media Release from Fiji Met – TD14F

Media Release from Fiji Met – TD14F

Please find attached Media Release no 71, 4.00pm Thursday, 19 April 2018.

Tropical Disturbance 14F remains slow moving and was located approximately 70 km east northeast of Rotuma at 3pm today. It is expected to drift south and the chance of it developing into a Tropical Depression is now low.

TD14F is a compact system and anticipated to bring heavy rain and strong winds in some parts of the country but mostly over oceans. The associated cloud and rain affects the northern parts of the country and is anticipated to gradually spread to the rest of the Fiji Group. Increasing
cloudiness, rain developing, becoming frequent & heavy with squally thunderstorms from tonight over Yasawa Group, Vanua Levu, Taveuni and nearby smaller islands, and the eastern and the interior parts of Viti Levu.

For Full Report Please click below.

Media Release No 71_19 April 2018 (2)

