Law for Kawakawa

Law for Kawakawa

Fiji Times Friday 08 September 2017  Update: 1:14PM FISHING, selling or buying grouper fish during its spawning month will soon be illegal.

Fisheries minister Semi Koroilavesau announced this morning that as soon as June to September 2018, regulations to make the fishing, selling and purchase of grouper fish such as Donu and Kawakawa will be in force.

Mr Koroilavesau made the announcement as part of four initiatives to translate into action the government’s 17 commitments made in New York in June at the United Nations at The Ocean Conference.

According to the minister, the government had worked in the past three months to consolidate its efforts to make good of its “promises” and he confirmed receiving the approval of the Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama to go ahead on four initiatives.  Read more…
