Incorrect application of plastic bag levy

Fiji Times Saturday 21 October 2017  THE implementation of the $0.10 per plastic bag levy is still a cause for concern despite the enactment of the environment and climate adaptation levy (ECAL) 2017. (

There are some traders who are disregarding the law by charging extra few cents beyond stipulated $0.10 per bag ECAL levy even after nearly three months of its implementation.

These handful of traders feel they can manipulate the law and go undetected.

Initially, there were traders who were charging plastic bag levy on plastic bags without handles.

Now we see some traders who have created their own system to charge plastic bag levy based on the size.

During Diwali sale, Ramesh went to purchase firecrackers from a major hardware retail store in Suva.

He managed to get a good collection of firecrackers and took these to the counter for payment.  Read more…