*Please keep checking the flights listed below to see if your flight is affected
**More flights may be added to the list below at any time
Due to impending adverse weather conditions associated with Tropical Cyclone Keni and forecasts for Fiji, a number of Fiji Airways and Fiji Link flights will be affected. Several flights are cancelled, or have flight departure times advanced or delayed. If your flight is listed below, Fiji Airways and Fiji Link Reservations will contact you by email or phone call to advise you of the changes, or you may contact Fiji Airways Reservations to discuss rebooking options. In some cases, supplementary flights or the next available flights can only be confirmed once weather conditions and forecasts improve.
Guests are requested to ensure their direct contact details in their bookings are up-to-date. If your flights are booked through a travel agency or third party agency, please ensure your personal contact details are updated in your booking by contacting your agency. (nyicff.org) Travel Agents are asked to update guest PNRs with direct contacts. Fiji Airways and Fiji Link may not be able to reach guests without a direct contact listed in their booking.
Due to increased call volumes, Fiji Airways Reservations and Fiji Link guests can expect extended wait times. If your flight isn’t listed below, there’s no need to contact the airline.
Cancelled Flights
Monday 9th April, 2018
FJ914 Sydney – Nadi ( Passengers on this flight will be rebooked to FJ910 which departs Sydney 10:00am)
FJ921 Nadi – Brisbane (Passengers on this flight rebooked on another flight.)
FJ920 Brisbane – Nadi (Passengers on this flight rebooked on another flight.)
Tuesday 10th April, 2018
- All domestic flights are cancelled
- All international flights out of Nadi are cancelled
- The following international flights into Nadi are cancelled
FJ916 Sydney-Nadi Cancelled
FJ914 Sydney-Nadi Cancelled
FJ910 Sydney-Nadi Cancelled
FJ450 Christchurch-Nadi Cancelled
FJ410 Auckland-Nadi Cancelled
FJ920 Brisbane-Nadi Cancelled
FJ930 Melbourne-Nadi Cancelled
FJ252 Apia-Nadi Cancelled
FJ210 Tonga-Nadi Cancelled
FJ280 Funafuti-Nadi Cancelled
*All local times
For full delayed & earlier flight lists, view the Fiji Airways travel alert here: https://www.fijiairways.com/flight-information/travel-alerts/