Fisherman’s plea

Fiji Times Friday 29 September 2017  WHEN the leader of the Burebasaga Confederacy calls for seafood, the traditional kai wai must be ready to supply her demands, explains Radike Qereqeretabua, who is known to many for his success as a hotelier in Fiji.

Perhaps less known is that Radike is also a traditional kai wai from Dravuni Island, Ono, Kadavu, and that makes him particularly concerned these days about the plight of kawakawa and donu, fish that are rapidly disappearing in Fiji.

“Whenever any seafood like turtles or fish are needed for an occasion, the Roko Tui Dreketi will call for us to supply them. It has always been that way with our elders and it is our obligation to the chief of the confederacy. We don’t have much land so most of our resources are from the sea and we rely on the ocean for our livelihood,” said Radike.  Read more…
