Findings of ADB Asia/Pacific Report to guide trade and investment in the Pacific

Findings of ADB Asia/Pacific Report to guide trade and investment in the Pacific

Fiji Sun, Thurs 8 Feb – Findings of the ADB Report, Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific guide and leverage sectors with the most potential.

ADB Vice-President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, Bambang Susanto, said: This report highlights lessons that will help policy makers target sectors with the greatest potential to create jobs and reducing poverty, and better identify areas for policy actions. Mr Susanto stressed the identified need to lower trade costs – “Lowering costs will help draw in small and medium-sized enterprises and marginalized communities into global and regional trade and value chains.

Permanent Secretary for Industry, Trade and Tourism, Shaeen Ali, in his speech added the Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific Report highlighted the enabling conditions needed in the Pacific for greater trade and investment.

