FHTA member of the Fiji Higher Education Commission Apprenticeship Reform Taskforce


19 January 2018 – In 2017, the Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC) held a series of consultation meetings that culminated in a Ministry of Labour supported workshop in November to review the skills gaps identified by the private sector. The issues included:

  • Increasing demand for higher level vocational and technical skills, particularly in industries which have strong digital and information technology components;
  • The ageing of the trades and technician workforces and the failure of many jurisdictions to replace these;
  • The recognition that university education is not for everyone and that vocational pathways into higher education are required and not a second-best option;
  • The growing problem of youth unemployment and the failure of many education systems to engage a significant portion of at risk youth

As the industry that is employing the largest workforce, FHTA’s member concerns on skills shortage and the demand/supply disconnect has been of keen interest to FHEC.

One key outcome is the Apprenticeship Reform Taskforce & Working Committee of which Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association (FHTA), Fiji Commerce & Employers Federation (FCEF), Fiji Master Builders Association, Carpenters, Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Education, Fiji Ships & Heavy Industries, the Unions, FHEC & National Training & Productivity Centre (NTPC) are members.

