FCEF Press Release

FCEF Press Release

5 October, 2017

Suva, Fiji – The Fiji Business Disaster Resilience Council (FBDRC) signed an agreement with the USAID Climate Ready Project to launch a training of trainer’s project supporting small and medium sized businesses across Fiji to improve their disaster preparedness today.

“Disasters are getting more frequent and intense, and businesses need to ensure they are prepared for this changing reality”, said Morika Hunter, Chair of FBDRC.

“Typically, businesses bear the brunt of disaster events, and they also have an essential role to play in supporting government and partners to respond”, said Leonard Chan, Vice Chair of the FBDRC.

“If businesses aren’t prepared themselves, they won’t be able to support by delivering the necessary support and supplies to communities”.

Once they have completed the course, trainers will be certified to deliver Business Continuity Planning (BCP) training to businesses and private sector organisations across the country.

The training will be run in nine centres across Fiji, and delivered in collaboration with the Fiji National Disaster Management Office.

The FBDRC is a joint initiative of the Connecting Business Initiative (which receives technical and operational support from UNDP and UNOCHA, and technical support from UNISDR), and the DFAT funded UNDP Pacific Risk Resilience Programme.
