Coral Coast Railway for Day Trips

Coral Coast Railway for Day Trips

Fiji Times, 18 April – A familiar face on the Coral Coast, Janen Singh shares his story on being a train driver along the coral coast.

Janen is outspoken and friendly and would, of course, invite you to join him for a ride on his train travelling on the Coral Coast railway if you may have happened to meet him for the first time. He transports tourists from the Shangri-La’s Fijian Resort to wherever they may want to travel to for a day trip.

The account of Janen’s life story is interesting and inspiring:

“This train is originally from Lautoka, it was used back in those days for the carting of sugar cane but the company I used to work for bought it and in 1985, I started driving this train here in Sigatoka,”

“We did a bit of touch-ups to it, changed the engine and painted it up nicely again before we started using it to transport tourists as they enjoy their stay here on the Coral Coast.

“These are tourists who usually spend their holidays at (Shangri-La’s) Fijian Resort and may want to go shopping around in Sigatoka Town and stopover in some villages or at the sand dunes and the museum before we return to the resort.”

Janen, originally from Nabila, Sigatoka, loves his work and meeting people, especially tourists:

“I have just been a driver all these years, however, I have managed to send my three sons to school and provide for my family because I always stay true to it.”


