Agreement to assist tourism body

Fiji Times Wednesday 06 September 2017  THE new partnership between a regional tourism body and the United Nations Development Programme will strengthen stakeholder engagement in green tourism and other similar initiatives.

A letter of agreement was signed between the South Pacific Tourism Organisation and UNDP recently outlining the commitment to take responsible approaches through energy, water and water reduction, contributing to global efforts to make the planet a better place to travel.

In a statement SPTO chief executive officer Christopher Cocker said the LOA supported their continuing efforts to raise awareness on sustainable tourism practices complementing the work already in progress to introduce a sustainability monitoring program for the Pacific.

“Tourism is a sector that is dependent on the environment and its natural resources. It is also an energy and water intensive sector.

“With technical and funding support from UNDP, we plan to increase our reach and create more accommodations in Samoa and Fiji, and work alongside selected communities to create stronger links between the sustainable tourism industry and local communities,” he said.  Read more…
