Advertising Opportunity in Annual Report for the FHTA 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM)


We are currently in the process of publishing our Annual Report for the FHTA 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is to be held on Friday, 09th June 2017. The final pages of the report will contain half page and full page advertising spaces for which we invite expressions of interest. (

FHTA is the ‘voice’ of the tourism industry, representing Membership which is made up of over 80% of the tourism plant and its suppliers.

By advertising your business and services here, your company will gain a significant amount of quality market exposure to close to 300 FHTA members within the Industry.

Below are the different costs of advertisement available (all prices are VIP):

Available Sizes Specifications Price
Full Page A4 – 8.27″  x  11.69″ $1,000.00
Half Page A5 – 8.27″  x 5.83″
(Landscape style layout)
Back Cover A4 – 8.27″  x  11.69″
(Portrait style layout)
Inside Back Cover A4 – 8.27″  x  11.69″ $1,300.00
Inside Front Cover A4 – 8.27″  x  11.69″ $1,300.00

Expressions of Interest to be advised by Friday, 5th May 2017 while Artwork and payment are due no later than 4.00pm on Wednesday, 10th May 2017.

Once your Expression of Interest (EOI) is received we will send you an invoice with payment and bank details.


For EOI and payment, contact Cheryl Chow on +679 3302 980 or email You may also use this email address to send your artwork.