6 Unexpected Kid-friendly Destinations That Offer Plenty of Adventure, History, and Culture

6 Unexpected Kid-friendly Destinations That Offer Plenty of Adventure, History, and Culture

From Fiji to Uganda to Patagonia, these unexpected kid-friendly destinations around the world offer experiences the whole family will enjoy.

In our household, we have been talking about where we would travel right now if we could — and we are dreaming big. Actually, we are dreaming bigger and better. If this year has shown us anything, it is that the travel we share as a family should be to destinations that not only need tourism dollars, but also where locals want tourists and will put those dollars toward conserving land, landmarks, culture, and wildlife for future generations.

We know that the impacts of climate change and population growth mean there are places in the world that will be different, if not lost when our children become adults, so my partner and I decided that there are destinations they need to visit now — as they are and should be experienced.

