Please be advised that we have reduced our Zika Awareness Seminar Fee to $50 VIP for members and $70 VIP for Non FHTA Members.
In view of the change, we will send a revised Invoice to those that have already registered.
Please download Revised Registration Form and Tentative Program, or complete form below.
Zika Awareness Seminar Program
9:00am – 9:30am SIGN IN & MORNING TEA
9:35am – 10.05am What is Zika and its effects on Tourism World Heath Organization (TBC)
10.05am-10.40am Zika in Fiji: Transmission, Prevention and Control Ministry of Health & Medical Services-Communications Unit
10:40am – 11:40am How to Reduce Mosquito populations: Vector Control Strategies for the Tourism Industry Ministry of Health & Medical Services- Mr. Efia Lawena (Vector Control U.)
11:40am – 12:30pm Question & Answer Panel Panelists: WHO Rep Mr. Elia Lawena (Program Manager -Vector Control) Ms. (Clonazepam) Renata Ram (Techinical Officer-Zika) Dr. Jimaima Kailawadoko (Surveillance Officer)
Seminar will end before lunchtime.