Zika Awareness Seminar 28 Nov 16

Zika Awareness Seminar 2016

Please be advised that we have reduced our Zika Awareness Seminar Fee to $50 VIP for members and $70 VIP for Non FHTA Members.

In view of the change, we will send a revised Invoice to those that have already registered.

Please download Revised Registration Form and Tentative Program, or complete form below.

Schedule Zika Awareness Seminar 2016
Schedule Zika Awareness Seminar 2016

Zika Awareness Seminar Program

9:00am – 9:30am SIGN IN & MORNING TEA


9:35am – 10.05am What is Zika and its effects on Tourism World Heath Organization (TBC)

10.05am-10.40am Zika in Fiji: Transmission, Prevention and Control Ministry of Health & Medical Services-Communications Unit

10:40am – 11:40am How to Reduce Mosquito populations: Vector Control Strategies for the Tourism Industry Ministry of Health & Medical Services- Mr. Efia Lawena (Vector Control U.)

11:40am – 12:30pm Question & Answer Panel Panelists: WHO Rep Mr. Elia Lawena (Program Manager -Vector Control) Ms. (Clonazepam) Renata Ram (Techinical Officer-Zika) Dr. Jimaima Kailawadoko (Surveillance Officer)

Seminar will end before lunchtime.