Tsunami Threat Message – Wednesday 4 January 2017

Tsunami Threat Message

12.34pm – Final Tsunami Threat Message – Wednesday 4 January 2017

Waves of just a centimetre or two were reported at Suva Harbour at 11.31am. Locations along the Coral Coast and Southern Mamanucas and also Kadavu could have experienced higher waves.

Strong currents may continue for another 30 to 60 minutes so keep alert and watch for boat movements. That said he threat has passed and this will be the last message for this event.

12.03pm – Tsunami Threat 2nd Update – Wednesday 4 January 2017

The Pacific tsunami warning centre has issued a second alert message revising the intensity to 7.0 and the arrival time of tsunami waves to 11.25am. As this time has passed it is expected that an waves affecting Fiji will be doing so now.

If waves do not occur you can expect significant sea level movements and strong coastal currents.Stay alert and remain in your response mode until local authorities give an all clear.

11.36am – Tsunami Threat Message – Wednesday 4 January 2017

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has occurred about 200km to the south-southwest of Fiji near 19. (spoonerberries.com) 5S 176.2E.

A tsunami threat message has been issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii. The message indicates that tsunami waves may affect southern Fiji from 11.45am. The south coast of Vii levu, Mamanucas, Kadavu, Beqa and nearby islands are particularly at risk.

You should implement your warning plan immediately and listen for warning messages from DISMAC.