It is time for hotels to lift their game for women business travellers

It is time for hotels to lift their game for women business travellers

Blue Swan Daily – 8th March , 2019

Hotels have a long way to go when it comes to targeting the woman corporate traveller. In fact, any hint of generic marketing to that potentially valuable segment from the major chains is resoundingly absent.

This seems not only poor service for a growing segment of vociferous demand – but it’s also very slack marketing.

And company travel programmes themselves still have a lot to learn, according to reports. A 2016 survey by stated nearly 80% of female business travellers believed their company’s travel programmes should take better notice of their gender needs; 70% said travel providers need to try harder to meet those needs. Not happy, boss!

Nor do Expedia nor provide searchability or a dedicated section addressing the female traveller either.

And AirBnB merely tells would-be guests to look for hosts who already have a strong reputation. And to ask a lot of questions. Some hosts have verified identification and guests can ask for profile verification to be completed. ( Read more: