Flash Report – Issue 3 of 2019 (FRCS online payments)


KPMG Flash Report – Issue 3 of 2019 (FRCS online payments).

FRCS has recently issued a notice to all taxpayers that they have now developed an improved and efficient online/bill pay facility for their customers for all tax and customs payment. Payment can now be made to FRCS through bank transfers.

FRCS has provided the following instructions for use of this facility;

1. Register for internet banking with their respective banks and have access to FRCS online/bill pay payment facility.

2. Online payment transfers can be made from your bank account to FRCS’ respective bank accountsat ANZ,WBC and BSP. In addition, customs payment can be made through HFC Bank.

3.   A standard format  must be followed when making payments online so that payments can be identified and receipted correctly.

4.  Mandatory TIN details must be completed in the reference field of the banks bill payment interface. This will ensure that payments are remitted, identified and receipted in a timely manner and the receipts are forwarded to customers as proof of payment.

5. A copy of payment advice slip generated by the bank’s bill pay/online payment interface to suvairsdespatch@frcs.org.fj  as proof of payment transfers. This needs to be e-mailed immediately so that payments could be identified from FRCS bank statements and receipted accordingly.

6. An original FRCS receipt showing details of payments made to FRCS bank accounts should be received within 2 working days from the date of transfer. If receipts are not received in time please refer all queries to suvairsdespatch@frcs.org.fj or call 3243000 ext. 3803, 3804, 3805 and 3808.

FRCS Online Payments Format can be accessed from the following link:
https://www.frcs.org.fj/epay/ online-payments-format.pdf

FRCS Bank Accounts details can be accessed from the the following link:
https://www.frcs.org.fj/epay/ frcs-bank-accounts.xlsx or requested from suvairdespatch@frcs.org.fj

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