FHTA Update – FPRA Live Performance Payments

21 November 2018 – Members are reminded of the previous advice provided on 15 September 2017 on the matter of paying copyright fees to the Fiji Performing Rights Association (FPRA):

“Per the legal opinion provided to us on the matter, FHTA confirms that members must continue to pay the annual payment copyright fees for public performances (any broadcast or communication of music or musical reproduction that is played in public including guest rooms, piped music, background music, radios, CD’s, etc) to FPRA. 
However, on the issue of copyright payments to FPRA for Live Performances (Casual Public Performance for live bands providing music at your events),” FHTA continues to recommend that this payment be put on hold till FPRA provides the required clarification from the Copyright Tribunal that contradicts the written confirmation from the Ministry of Justice that FPRA has been only authorised to collect fees “solely for songwriters and composers” and not for Performing Rights or Production Fixation Rights.

FPRA has been advised that FHTA members will continue to only pay the copyright fees for public performances until such time as the authority to collect for Live Performances or Performing Rights is provided.
