Invest in a beneficial organization that among other benefits will lobby on your behalf and make recommendations to decisions makers in government and other public and private bodies with regard to policy concerning the industry.
FHTA membership fees
Please note that we do not accept cash during the application process. However, application fees and pro rata subscription fees can be paid via direct deposits or a cheque to the Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association. Once we receive your application, we will send you our bank details so payments can be made prior to the application being submitted for approval. If your application is unsuccessful, we will refund your payment, less the application fee.
Membership fees are as follows and are subject to annual review (all fees are VIP):
Active Membership
- Application Fee: $287.50
Plus Subscription Fees:
- Affiliation Fee: $453.41
- A fee of $42.73per Room/Bure (A minimum of $128.19 per property with less than 3 rooms)
- $6.05 per bed in a dormitory (A dormitory is a single bedroom containing a minimum of 8 beds with communal facilities)
Marine Membership
- Application Fee: $287.50
- Subscription Fee: $573.07
Dive Membership
- Application Fee: $287.50
- Subscription Fee: $573.07
Associate Membership
- Application Fee: $287.50
- Subscription Fee: $573.07
Visit our Membership page for the membership categories to see where you fit and complete the appropriate Application Form online should you wish to become a member.
For further queries contact the Secretariat on;
Telephone: (+679) 777 0137