$12.8 Million Runway For Rotuma Opened

$12.8 Million Runway For Rotuma Opened

Fiji Sun, 30 October 2018 – The new Fiji Link ATR turboprop service to Rotuma, which is ex­pected to begin this week, will open doors that will forever change the face of this beautiful island.

It will forever enrich the lives of the many Fijian families who call it their home.

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama made the comments after opening the new $12.8 million 1,400 metres chip-sealed pave­ment runway for Fiji Air­ports at Malhaha in Rotu­ma yesterday.

The occasion also marked the historic inaugural Fiji Link ATR 72-600 flight that is expected to carry between 60-70 passengers each trip as opposed to sev­en on the smaller aircraft previously. Read more…

